[WikiEN-l] Who monitors Wikipedia?

Raphael Wegmann raphael at psi.co.at
Sun Mar 2 14:04:01 UTC 2008

Kurt Maxwell Weber schrieb:
> On Saturday 01 March 2008 15:27, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> The
>> alternative is that admins are mistreated so much that they can't
>> really be bothered any more.
> They're not.
> Those that do their job well, no one really even "knows" they're admins and 
> it's a non-issue.
> Those that get uppity and act like they're masters (rather than what they 
> really are: servants) get treated like crap, sure, but they deserve it.  It's 
> not "mistreatment" if it's wholly deserved.

I share that view. IMHO there should be a mechanism to desysop
those who act like they're masters. Since administrators should serve
the community, they should not select their representatives
for a lifetime. Instead those administrators who loose public support,
should loose their administrative powers as well.

In order to avoid permanent elections, we could implement a system,
in which every registered editor can choose his/her administrator.
After some phase-in period, those administrators who loose all
their supporting editors should loose their admin powers as well.

Lets face it. The current system is getting out of control.
There is no public oversight whatsoever and admins are free
to WP:IAR whenever they please.


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