[WikiEN-l] Firefox (was Re: Wikipedia: The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, Dec 2007))

Ron Ritzman ritzman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 14:11:08 UTC 2007

On 10/22/07, Zoney <zoney.ie at gmail.com> wrote:

> The protection given to trademarks is in fact pretty
> restricted in many cases - often the same name can be
> used in another arena. There's a window
> cleaning company in my area trading as "Windows 2000"
> and they are perfectly able to do so legally. They
> aren't in the business of computer software or
> even anything related to that arena.

That doesn't stop some from trying when a large company really really
really wants a domain name held by a small one. A good example is
Hasboro suing Clue Computing for the domain name clue.com.

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