[WikiEN-l] Firefox (was Re: Wikipedia: The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, Dec 2007))

Zoney zoney.ie at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 11:15:10 UTC 2007

On 21/10/2007, Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org> wrote:
> If Firefox had said that the name Firefox could only be used for free
> software, I don't think Debian would have cared.  The problem with
> Firefox is they tried to restrict the use of the name in free
> software.
The restriction is only in the sense of not allowing people to package other
non-free products up as being "Firefox" or "Firefox XYZ".

The protection given to trademarks is in fact pretty restricted in many
cases - often the same name can be used in another arena. There's a window
cleaning company in my area trading as "Windows 2000" and they are perfectly
able to do so legally. They aren't in the business of computer software or
even anything related to that arena.

On the basis of Wikipedia merely being the subject of the O'Reilly book,
it's irrelevant what concerns anyone from Wikipedia has.


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