[WikiEN-l] Harassment sites

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 17:17:46 UTC 2007

On 16/10/2007, Will Beback <will.beback.1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you offered a solution?  Are the only two positions on this issue
> BADSITES or THICKSKIN? With the possible exceptions of  a couple of
> editors, no one enjoys debating this matter, and a resolution that
> results in a consensus policy would be ideal. What elements do you think
> would be included in a good policy on links to external harassment?

I've already suggested to the ArbCom a principle:

"Community policies shall not apply to article-space content."

I've also strongly suggested that the "external links" section of NPA
be abolished. It's being used as an excuse to damage article content.
The ArbCom's proposals on harassment (specifically Charles Matthews')
seem sufficient to me.

(Note by the way I've also done quite a bit of work actually tracking
down, blocking and reverting the stalkers, with a goodly dose of
tarbaby/briar patch, so I do know at least a little about the problem
and am not just saying "go away and grow a skin" - I'm saying that
BADSITES or functional equivalent is a disastrous failure even with
the best of intentions.)

- d.

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