[WikiEN-l] What the Sooper Seekret message tells us

joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu
Fri Nov 30 04:18:39 UTC 2007

Quoting The Mangoe <the.mangoe at gmail.com>:

> On Nov 29, 2007 2:06 PM, jayjg <jayjg99 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What arguments are you referring to, and how does it "demolish" them?
> I'm looking at the "sooper seekret" message (as it appears on
> Wikitruth), and I see a list of signs that one is dealing with a
> troll/sockpuppet, generally in the form of "new people don't act this
> way." !! was held to fulfill every one of them, and yet the
> identification turned out to be faulty. The conclusion which one may
> well make is that these are not necessarily good assumptions to make
> about how new users act. Looking back at my early edits, my first
> really substantial edit was to split one article in two. I got into an
> RFD within my first fifty edits. The expectation that new editors
> don't know what they're doing is evidently not entirely warranted.

On the contrary. The editor in question was not a new editor just as the
Durova's evidence suggested. The editor not being new was not the issue here.

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