[WikiEN-l] Missed Opportunities to have avoided the Durova Case

Stephanie M. Clarkson thespian at sleepingcat.com
Tue Nov 27 11:11:24 UTC 2007

Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:

> If we had used Wikipedia Review for our bitching and moaning, would
> we now be portrayed as the good guys?  It seems to me that people
> are being penalised for trying to sit back and think.

What have I ever said that would make you jump to that conclusion? Stop tarring everyone that things the list is a terrible, completely anti-Wiki idea with that brush. It goes beyond assuming bad faith. Indeed, I referred to WR as a bunch of cranks at one point. Neither WR nor a private list (the 'subscribe' page for cyberstalking said, after all, 'you can apply for the list, but we might not let you on.') is an appropriate place to be discussing Wikipedia business, blocks, etc.

The only conversations I've had with Wikipedians off-wiki have been things that were completely not-related to Wikipedia ("Hi, I notice you live within 10 minutes of me and we're working on the same WikiProject, so we share some interests. Want to get coffee?"). Even with people who I'm in regular social contact with off Wikipedia, I would never consider sending them private email about a Wikipedian issue; anything that deals with Wikipedia actions should be discussed on Wikipedia. 


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