[WikiEN-l] BADSITES redux

Peter Ansell ansell.peter at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 03:56:34 UTC 2007

On 23/11/2007, joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu <joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu> wrote:
> Quoting Steve Summit <scs at eskimo.com>:
> >  Who advocates removal of
> > otherwise-useful links because the linked-to page (or site)
> > happens to contain something which is construed as being
> > harassing of Wikipedians.
> Let's be clear. Many of the links in question are harassing Wikipedians by any
> reasonable definition. What Michael Moore did was harassment pure and simple.
> Some of these cases that isn't what happened (for example Robert Black's blog
> had what almost amounted to a debunking of the MI5 claim). But many of the
> links we are dealing with are harassing and are done with the aim to make the
> lives of Wikipedia editors miserable so that they can be free to alter
> Wikipedia text to fit their ends. Let's not lose site of that.

I hate to get back to this, but what did Michael Moore do that
harrassed a wikipedian?


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