[WikiEN-l] A BADSITES RfA piling-on

Will Beback will.beback.1 at gmail.com
Thu May 31 12:30:18 UTC 2007

Gallagher Mark George wrote:
> No, it doesn't.  Here, I'll resolve that question now:
> Teresa Nielsen-Hayden's weblog is unambiguously *not* an attack
> site.  Will Beback suffered a momentary lapse of reason, and
> he seriously fucked up in a way that should cause him to blush
> continously for the next two weeks.
> Where's the controversy?
> (I'm far from being on the side of the BADSITES people in this debate,
> but when you say something moronic, I can't agree with it.)

Yes, the Nielsen-Hayden weblog has been established to not be an attack site

Yes, I had a momentary lapse of reason. Yes, I will blush for the next 
many days over it.

There are serious issues regarding "attack sites." My regrettable 
response to this one site should not derail the discussion of the 
general topic. I acknowledge over-reacting and suggest that the better 
definition of "attack site" will minimize similar errors. Again, my 
apologies to the community for any disruption. 

Let's work towards removing impediments to good editing.

Will Beback

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