[WikiEN-l] A BADSITES RfA piling-on

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Thu May 31 10:19:00 UTC 2007

On 31/05/07, Gallagher Mark George
<m.g.gallagher at student.canberra.edu.au> wrote:

> > The Tersa Nielsen Hayden situation pretty much demonstrates that
> > the attack
> > site criteria are not firm or unambiguous.

> No, it doesn't.  Here, I'll resolve that question now:
> Teresa Nielsen-Hayden's weblog is unambiguously *not* an attack
> site.  Will Beback suffered a momentary lapse of reason, and
> he seriously fucked up in a way that should cause him to blush
> continously for the next two weeks.

No indeed. But that anyone could seriously act as though it was
indicates that any policy for mindless mass-removal of links to an
alleged "attack site" is fundamentally flawed and would damage the
encyclopedia. Because that's what actually happened, in practice, not
in theory.

- d.

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