[WikiEN-l] pics--The single picture Wikipedia needs more than any other.

K P kpbotany at gmail.com
Mon May 28 19:41:32 UTC 2007

On 5/25/07, Sean Barrett <sean at epoptic.com> wrote:
> I seem to recall a page of requested images but I can't recall where.
> Can someone point it out to me?
> More specifically, if your favorite hypothetical person were about to be
> punished by cruel fate with spending the week of 18-25 June at [[le
> Bourget airport]], is there anything in particular would you want him to
> try to photograph?
> --
> Sean Barrett     | If we can't say "fuck," how can we say
> sean at epoptic.com | "fuck the government"? --George Carlin

Photograph native plants with their names at botanical gardens--close up of
flower, of leaf, of branch, portrait of entire plant.  Post on Wikipedia
talk:WikiProject Tree of Life or my talk page (User talk:KP Botany).

Take this as a standing request for all list members.

And, please, more than anything, anyone who happens to go anywhere near New
Caledonia or know anyone who knows anyone whose third cousin thrice removed
married the daughter of someone who's uncle's sister moved to New Caledonia,
please please please get a picture of *Amborella*!  It's beautiful leaves
would be fine, a plant in its native environment would be stunning, but only
if without causing environmental damage.  Flowers would be to dream the
impossible dream, you don't even have to know if they're male or female.
 Just please get the picture of *Amborella trichopoda*.


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