[WikiEN-l] On living bios and the rest of the world

MacGyverMagic/Mgm macgyvermagic at gmail.com
Sun May 27 23:02:50 UTC 2007

On 5/28/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anecdotally: I was down the pub tonight talking to regular humans who
> aren't Wikipedians about the vexed minor living bio issue. Like, they
> use it and know what it is and how it works and that it's written by
> nerds with too much time and so forth, but aren't regulars in any way.
> And I think our hardline policy on BLPs is absolutely what the world
> would want. The incidents themselves have to be *notable*, not just
> verifiable. A carefully researched piece of footnoted crusading
> journalism may be noble, but it's NOT Wikipedia. Having an article in
> someone's name is a curse, because our page rank puts it straight at
> the top of Google. Etc.
> They all got this, immediately. In just the way the people on wiki
> being querulous about BLPs don't.
> I mean, I don't know if we can give Doc glasgow a medal for dealing
> with this rubbish so well on a continuing basis, but we should see if
> there's a way to.
> - d.

Yes, Wikipedia is not paper, but if we're going to write readable articles
not everything can make the cut. Naturally, it's notable incidents that
should get in. Trouble is that not everyone agrees on what is notable and
what isn't.

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