[WikiEN-l] Have we ever had a reader complaint of a lack of spoiler tags?

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Wed May 23 16:20:44 UTC 2007

On 5/23/07, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 May 2007, Anthony wrote:
> > As long as {{spoiler}} continues to read "Spoiler warning: Plot or
> ending
> > details follow.", people are going to continue to use the tag any time
> plot
> > or ending details follow.  In fact, my anecdotal evidence is that most
> of
> > the {{spoiler}} tags I come across are applied wholesale to an entire
> plot
> > section.
> The solution to this is to reword the spoiler warning, not to eliminate
> it.
> How about
> "Spoiler warning: plot or ending details follow that some readers may not
> wish
> to see".
> Almost the same, but nobody is likely to put that on the Three Little
> Pigs.

"Spoiler warning: plot twists or surprise endings follow" is less wordy and
accomplishes the same thing.  I'd support the change, but I think it'd be
hard to make such a change stick, since it'd instantly cause a ton of
articles to contain inaccurate warnings.


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