[WikiEN-l] School Districts and notability

Michael Snow wikipedia at att.net
Wed May 23 02:27:45 UTC 2007

Thomas Dalton wrote:
> I'm not convinced there is enough to say about a school district to
> warrant an article. You can list the schools and that's about it.
Wow, that's a breathtakingly shortsighted statement. Just because that's 
all anybody seems to have done in most cases doesn't mean nothing more 
can be said. Especially for urban and large suburban school districts in 
the United States, district-wide leadership and policies are important 
political issues and can draw a lot of attention. For example, a search 
for a new superintendent will usually attract quite a bit of local media 

The problem is that most editing gets focused on individual schools, 
typically by students or alumni. If parents and activists were taking 
more of an interest, you would be able to see the results at the school 
district level.

--Michael Snow

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