[WikiEN-l] Copyright dispute

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri May 18 19:01:38 UTC 2007

On 5/18/07, Phil Sandifer <Snowspinner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Less than this. Tell the user in question to shove it up his or her
> ass and go back to writing an encyclopedia. We do not, generally
> speaking, get this nervous about whether someone claiming to hold a
> copyright is lying. Until we up our copyright paranoia to that
> general level, you should be fine.

So wait.. We screwed up by blocking the user (and his four socks) who
was claiming to be Trey Parker (of south park) and who was claiming to
release southpark episodes under the GFDL?


Oh please. Cut the drama. If someone makes an unusual claim we can and
should ask them to back it up via correspondence with the permissions
queue.  This doesn't deserve a goofy mailing list thread over the

It's certainly not productive when the involved parties won't even
provide a link to the discussion. Sean, Why must you ask the list to
form opinions based on a one-sided retelling rather than just
directing us to the discussion to read for ourselves?

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