[WikiEN-l] {{spoiler}} {{infoboxrequired}} and the root of the problem

Charlotte Webb charlottethewebb at gmail.com
Thu May 17 18:31:21 UTC 2007

On 5/17/07, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
> The United States is bigger and much more important in international
> politics than Poland...

America has always been quick to forget about Poland.

> President of the US and Prime Minister of Poland just don't produce
> equal amounts of fame.

Resisting the urge to play the systemic bias card, I will instead
offer "Governor of California" as a better comparison. California has
slightly greater land area but fewer people than Poland.

Comparing the acting careers of Reagan and Schwarzenegger could be a
very complex and emotional debate, but I'd suggest that Arnold was
accomplished more with less talent. Of course, he has the lower hand
not being eligible for U.S. Presidency, but that could change (though
probably not soon enough to benefit Arnie).

So basically we have two extra floating boxes in lower sections of the
Schwarzenegger article, mostly to highlight his robust physique,
bodybuilding awards, and the Golden Globe he won for Stay Hungry.
Hilarious! But... it typifies my rant about specialized infoboxes.

Arnold is after all one person who arguably has three careers. If we
could figure out a way to put all of the muy importante information in
the same box rather than haviing three boxes, three photos, three
dates of birth and so on, we could save a lot of screen space.

> If you look at the article for Grace Kelly, being an academy award winning
> actress is mentioned before being princess of Monaco.

Well, that resulted from a marriage which, in a different time and
place, would have ended up like Edward VIII and the American actress
he married.

Aside from that, the city-state of Monaco sits on 3/4 of a square mile
and has a lower population than Bloomington, Indiana, stomping ground
of John "I can breathe in a small town" Mellencamp (which is only
interesting because "Jack and Diane" became a #1 hit two weeks after
Princess Grace died). Poland may not be comparable to the U.S. but it
sure as hell isn't comparable to Monaco either.

Oh yeah, life goes on.


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