[WikiEN-l] GNAA (was: Re: Psychosis and Wikipedia)

Steve Bennett stevagewp at gmail.com
Wed May 16 03:45:56 UTC 2007

On 5/16/07, Bogdan Giusca <liste at dapyx.com> wrote:
> I doubt that [[Wipipedia]] will be kept. It's far less notable than GNAA
> and its has absolutely no reliable third party sources.
> We know how GNAA ended up...

Speaking of GNAA, an anecdote. On reddit recently there was an article
about some online collaborative whiteboard software that had just
reached proof of concept. I tried it out. It was fun, you could draw
on webpages and other people could see what you'd drawn. You could
browse to wherever you liked, and the whole group would see it.

Then suddenly my screen was spammed to hell with pornography and
millions of references to the GNAA. I found it rather funny.

So I guess they're not *that* obscure. I wished I could have found out
more about them.


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