[WikiEN-l] {{spoiler}} vs. writing a goddamn encyclopedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue May 15 20:21:45 UTC 2007

Jeff Raymond wrote:

>John Lee wrote:
>>I'll admit I've overused {{spoiler}} in the past - this was generally when
>>was irritated that a book I had been planning to read was spoiled for me -
>>but it's time for a change in our editing habits. Being an encyclopaedia,
>>people shouldn't be surprised that we *gasp* summarise the whole story and
>>its significance.
>I think, however, this is one of those times where we need to be cognizant
>of our audience and how we're used.  I don't think we should be completely
>ignorant of the fact that we're a quick reference tool, and that the
>typical way some people use Wikipedia lends itself to bizarre links and
>occasional missteps.
>Yes, it's kind of dumb to put a spoiler in [[The Christmas Carol]], which
>most English-reading audiences would know the ending of.
I just removed it from [[Charles Dickens]].  [[Don Quixote]] also has one.


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