[WikiEN-l] {{spoiler}} vs. writing a goddamn encyclopedia

Jeff Raymond jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
Tue May 15 18:09:40 UTC 2007

doc wrote:

> Now, it is one thing for buffyfans and trekies to protect their secrets.
> There's a weak case for books just published and episodes yet unscreened
> in some parts of the world. After all perhaps someone searching us here
> has just come from some fandom site where spoiler warnings are expected.
> However, when this crap juvenile starts getting into our mainstream arts
> coverage - and particularly historical works - we just look bloody
> ridiculous.

I had to laugh, an FAC I'm involved in right now wants me to consider a
spoiler warning for a film with no budget and minimal plot that was
marketed solely because the girl takes her clothes off in an
unrelated-to-the-"plot" scene.

I was, for once, unable to come up with a useful response.

If you can read this, I'm not at home.

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