[WikiEN-l] Psychosis and Wikipedia

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Mon May 14 17:48:15 UTC 2007

on 5/13/07 8:07 PM, Fred Bauder at fredbaud at waterwiki.info wrote:

> Most people with serious mental disorders are unable to keep it together
> enough to edit, or are disorganized but harmless. A small group is focused and
> disruptive. They generally can't work, so have idle time and often an ax to
> grind (after all, they may actually wear aluminum foil hats to prevent the CIA
> from reading their thoughts.) Our share of this sort of trouble is consistent
> with its incidence in society. It is important to be courteous, but to avoid
> entanglement. A tiny minority is actually dangerous and law enforcement
> assistance should be sought. You might think about editing anonymously, if
> this sort of trouble is unacceptable.
>I just have some experience.

Excellent observations and advice. Protect yourself first, don't pour
gasoline on an already raging fire - then, when it's safe (if you're still
interested), try and figure out what and why.

(BTW, I particularly liked your CIA reference :-)

Marc Riddell

Remember: We teach people how to treat us.

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