[WikiEN-l] You're magically made an admin. What do you do?

Jeff Raymond jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
Fri May 11 21:25:52 UTC 2007

David Gerard wrote:

> I've seen a lot of "slam dunk" RFCs that proved to, er, not be. Tony
> Sidaway got some great ones. I think Tony Sidaway 3 sets the record
> for stupidest RFC I've seen on the wiki.

But, see, I think that's part of the problem with RfC - where's the
accountability?  In the two years plus I've been here, what has an RfC -
or an ArbCom case, for that matter - done to curtail Tony Sidaway.  Hell,
some people simply laugh it off, kinda like a Red Sox fan - "Manny being
Manny"/"Tony being Tony."

I think situations like that are where RfC is worthless, when something
needs to be done and it won't happen because of this, that, or the other


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