[WikiEN-l] That random number

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Sun May 6 02:51:49 UTC 2007

daniwo59 at aol.com wrote:
> So ... it would be really nice if someone would purge those emails  
> containing the number. As for the people posting it--Yes, it can be fun to be a  
> virtual martyr for "the cause," but the fact is that if push comes to shove, the  
> Foundation, not you, could be found liable. Rather than imagining that won't  
> happen, imagine the consequences if it does. 

Are you going to suggest we purge all emails that ever mentioned 
potential libels, too, in all the arguments over WP:OFFICE?  Rather than 
imagining that the sky will fall, imagine the consequences of excessive 


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