[WikiEN-l] The key was just broadcast on US television

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat May 5 01:25:56 UTC 2007

On 05/05/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> <Mr_Gustafson> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_TV
> <Mr_Gustafson> They have a daily news segment that airs a few times a
> day.  It started out by showing a YouTube video of some guy's song of
> the code, then listed the code on screen while talking about it
> <Mr_Gustafson> Another segment directed people to Digg


Key seen and spoken on Amercian TV channel Current TV

Current TV does a daily news segment called Current News that airs a
few times each day. They did a story today (Friday) on the leak of the
key and the reaction to it, and not only did they put the key on
screen, they also played a song in the background from YouTube which
mentions the key down to the last letter. They also did a quick story
yesterday about the Digg reaction, but yesterday's story blacked out
the key. The spots are not on their website, as their website focuses
more on the documentary stuff, but Current TV's format means that the
spots will re-air at some point over the next twelve hours or so.
--Jeffrey O. Gustafson - Shazaam! - <*> 01:20, 5 May 2007 (UTC)

- d.

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