[WikiEN-l] The key was just broadcast on US television

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat May 5 01:17:28 UTC 2007

<Mr_Gustafson> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_TV
<DavidGerard> us-based?
* [Mr_Gustafson] is away (User is away.)
<Mr_Gustafson> Yup
<Mr_Gustafson> They have a daily news segment that airs a few times a
day.  It started out by showing a YouTube video of some guy's song of
the code, then listed the code on screen while talking about it
<Mr_Gustafson> Another segment directed people to Digg
<DavidGerard> oh man. yep, note on article talk and wikien-l please.
<Mr_Gustafson> I don't post to the mailing lists, you can forward this
log if you wish
<DavidGerard> ok thanks :-)

[[Current TV]] is part-owned by Al Gore.

This should be fun.

- d.

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