[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key mess - OFFICE/Foundation?

Anthony wikilegal at inbox.org
Wed May 2 17:37:29 UTC 2007

On 5/2/07, Jeff Raymond <jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com> wrote:
> geni wrote:
> > You don'r have a choice. A lot of our boarderline "is this a copyvio?"
> > (answer erm maybe) is delt with by 20 something brits. We simply can't
> > afford the lawyers to answer all of them.
> Again, this isn't a copyvio situation (and our copyright paranoia is a
> whole different can of worms), but a situation of contradictory and
> unclear legality that shouldn't be handled the way it has been thus far.
It's a situation of contradictory and unclear legality under copyright
law, which would make it an alleged copyright law violation.

I'd appreciate the foundation coming right out and saying that we
aren't allowed to mention the key, if that's what they want, but as
someone coded up the site to not allow the key to be mentioned, that's
almost as good.  Who added the string to the list of banned words?
Why did they do so?  I assume it was an employee doing so as an agent
of the foundation.


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