[WikiEN-l] HD DVD key mess - OFFICE/Foundation?

Stephen Bain stephen.bain at gmail.com
Wed May 2 14:00:29 UTC 2007

On 5/2/07, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Of course, it is notable as "the HD DVD key", not as a string of hex
> digits - there is nothing *numerically* significant about it. We could
> quite legitimately (if somewhat clumsily) write about it and the giant
> kerfuffle without ever actually quoting the number, or indeed ever
> *needing* to. Consider the way newspapers cover high-profile
> defamation lawsuits without ever quoting the slander - the important
> story is that something was said and how it was reacted to, not the
> exact wording of what was actually said...

Or really, the way that any story is covered when certain parts are
not available for legal reasons. Think reporting of court cases
involving children, for example, or involving terrorism charges.

Stephen Bain
stephen.bain at gmail.com

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