[WikiEN-l] Wikicharts
Steve Bennett
stevagewp at gmail.com
Wed May 2 08:22:52 UTC 2007
On 5/2/07, C.J. Croy <cjcroy at gmail.com> wrote:
> -I don't find searches for 'Wiki' odd at all. Most of the people
> searching are probably interested in the entymology. It's not like we
> called it 'Quickipedia' or 'Upedia'.
But that implies we are getting huge numbers of people who arrive at
Wikipedia and have no idea what it is. I don't see that you would read
up on [[Wiki]] then next week come back and read up on it again. I
wonder what link it is that sends them there? If it was a link on
[[Wikipedia]], then [[Wikipedia]] would logically have at least as
many page views as [[Wiki]] does.
> -My guess is that no-one's interested in reading about the Iraq War
> because we don't see any possibility of enlightenment from the
> -Alternative hypothesis: Many, many people use Wiki for homework help
> and not many schools have added Iraq to their curriculums.
I like that hypothesis better.
> -I have no idea why Naruto is so popular on Wikipedia, or really,
> anywhere. I will point out that it's the #4 search term on Lycos,
> below only Poker, Paris Hilton, and Myspace, so it's not an
> exclusively Wiki phenom.
That's a nice cross-check.
> http://www.animationinsider.net/article.php?articleID=856 The
> preceding article says that Naruto is a relatively new Japanese import
I'd never heard of it until today. Probably a good sign.
> Related: In my Naruto-related searching, I stumbled across this
> article. "What is popular on Wikipedia and why?"
> http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue12_4/spoerri2/
I'm not sure their conclusions are particularly enlightening. But oh well.
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