[WikiEN-l] blogs vs websites - (was Bauer DRV question-history)

Fred Bauder fredbaud at waterwiki.info
Wed Mar 28 01:14:56 UTC 2007

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ray Saintonge [mailto:saintonge at telus.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 06:14 PM
>To: 'English Wikipedia'
>Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] blogs vs websites - (was Bauer DRV question	-	history)
>Guettarda wrote:
>>The issue is self-published sources.  It's really the same if you blog or it
>>you use a vanity press.  It's the preponderance of blogs that causes them to
>>be singled out. It's a readily available medium, and anyone can register a
>>blog and spout off on whatever topic they want.  The main issue is "be
>>careful with self-published material"...whether it is a blog, a non-blog
>>webpage, or a book published by a vanity press.
>Being careful is key.  I have a large number of book(let)s on philately 
>and postal history.  A significant proportion of these were privately 
>published by the author out of a genuine interest in the subject, and 
>there is no question of controversy.  The one that I have in front of me 
>now was limited printing of 65 copies.  Similar situations arise in 
>relation to many local histories.  If we waited for professional 
>historians to review this material we would never be able to use any of it.

That sort of philately or postal history publication is subjected to intense peer review in the philatelic community. If you are reading the philatelic press and are in the appropriate sections of the American Philatelic Society you can can determine the reputation of such publications by inquiring.


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