[WikiEN-l] Radical redefinition of OR

charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 26 21:14:25 UTC 2007

Ray Saintonge wrote

> We never know whether we will find the key source in the 
> next place that we look.  Fermat's Last Theorem remained unproven for 
> three centuries because nobody could find the killer counterexample.  

No, because no one could find a proof. We _now_ know that was the reason. 
> Until recently the only available sources for writing about the Crusades 
> were European ones.

The Receuil des historiens des croisades (1881 onwards) included Arabic language sources in translation. Amin Maalouf's book mentions at least one other 1890s translation. 'Only' is certainly wrong.


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