[WikiEN-l] maybe y'all can help me...

Stephen Bain stephen.bain at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 04:35:16 UTC 2007

On 7/12/07, Steven Walling <steven.walling at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...find out which exact article Time is referring to when they said the
> following in their Dec. 06/Jan.07 Person of the Year issue cover story.
> "The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web. Not the Web that
> Tim Berners-Lee hacked together (15 years ago, according to Wikipedia) as a
> way for scientists to share research."
> It would be great to be able to place a talk tag letting people know it was
> cited in Time on the right article. But it could be any, either Tim's, the
> interenet, WWW, etc.

Presumably [[World Wide Web#History]], which discusses the times at
which the relevant proposals were put together (1989), when the first
web server and web browser software was produced (1990) and when the
WWW became publicly available on the Internet (1991).

Stephen Bain
stephen.bain at gmail.com

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