[WikiEN-l] The Register decries Wikipedia's "censorship" via OTRS

Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher at student.canberra.edu.au
Mon Jul 9 09:01:54 UTC 2007

G'day Ray,

> Would it be feasible to periodically publish OTRS statistics?  Something 
> that appears, for example,  as 80% refusal, 19% negotiation, 1% 
> capitulation could give a clearer picture.

Cuteness aside ("capitulation", heh!), I think this would be useful. 
The problem, though, is that it's very subjective.  How do we deal with 
disagreements over how we characterise an OTRS resolution?

Mark Gallagher
"'Yes, sir,' said Jeeves in a low, cold voice, as if he had been bitten 
in the leg by a personal friend."
- P G Wodehouse, /Carry On, Jeeves/

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