[WikiEN-l] FredBauder"clarifies"onattack site link policy

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Sun Jul 8 11:26:37 UTC 2007

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:01:38 -0400, "The Mangoe" <the.mangoe at gmail.com>

>Well, it's convenient that they could find another source without
>having to link to the WR thread, but it also seems that the thread is
>a better source, in spite of the snarky commentary within it. Those
>with any strength of stomach would find it an excellent transcript of
>the issue, and it really ought to be linked to, particularly since it
>most closely documents Brandt's inquiries.

No, it is not a "better source".  It is a thread contributed to by a
group of banned trolls, vanity spammers and other malcontents, all
bearing substantial chips on their shoulders and harbouring enormous
grudges.  I fail to see under what circumstances it could be
considered a reliable source.  Let Brandt lay out his line of
reasoning on his own website, without the additional bile and

Guy (JzG)

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