[WikiEN-l] Former Wikimedia employee was a felon.

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Sun Dec 16 19:23:42 UTC 2007

On Dec 16, 2007 2:00 PM, Bryan Derksen <bryan.derksen at shaw.ca> wrote:
> G MZ wrote:
> > I cannot see what difference it would have made if Christiano had told Jimbo
> > - what would Jimbo have done differently?
> We could have had Jimbo be the one to break the story to us, rather than
> the Register. I don't like having forums that have traditionally been
> considered irrationally critical of Wikipedia turn out to be the best
> place to go to find out about Wikipedia's inner workings. It boosts the
> credibility of those forums at the expense of our own.
Well, first of all, I don't think we could have had Jimbo be the one
to break the story to us, since he is apparently restricted by a
confidentiality agreement and/or some other legal constraints not to
talk about it.  Secondly, wouldn't it be better for Christiano to just
tell us directly?  Spin doesn't help us, whether it's Jimbo's positive
spin or the Register's negative spin.

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