[WikiEN-l] One alternative

John Lee johnleemk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 16:34:00 UTC 2007

On Dec 5, 2007 7:06 AM, Steve Bennett <stevagewp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the post, Larry.
> On 12/5/07, Larry Sanger <sanger at citizendium.org> wrote:
> > In terms of management, to set a positive precedent, I plan to step down
> > as editor-in-chief and hand over the reins to someone else--within the
> > next year or two at most.  This will require that I do fundraising to
> I wish we had an editor-in-chief. Anarchy works best with a dictator.
> Since Jimbo became less hands-on, there has been a real leadership
> vaccuum.

Amen. I know at least part of this is "the grass is greener on the older
side" biased looking-back, but if you ask me, when Jimbo was more hands-on,
it was easier to build policy and reach consensus because someone was
driving things. If Jimbo said something a lot of us thought was wrong, that
galvanised opposition - and if he said something a lot of us were ok with,
then it went. (To take one example, I'm pretty sure that if we'd tried to
gather consensus for turning off anon page creation, as opposed to Jimbo
declaring/deciding, we wouldn't have found it.)


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