[WikiEN-l] OFFLIST Re: Brandt unblocked by Jimbo - community support?

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 23:56:00 UTC 2007

Shh - Jimbo is trying to let Brandt shoot his foot off.

- d.

On 20/04/07, Phil Sandifer <Snowspinner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Speak for yourself.
> Daniel Brandt conspired with other Wikipedia Review users to subject
> me to police harassment on spurious grounds with the explicit goal,
> in Brandt's own words, of forcing me to leave my PhD program.
> It is unacceptable that he be considered a member of this community,
> and I am disgusted at Jimbo for being willing to overlook the active
> attempts he has made to cause real world harm to members of this
> community.

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