[WikiEN-l] Brandt unblocked by Jimbo - community support?

Cascadia cascadia at privatenoc.com
Thu Apr 19 21:40:41 UTC 2007

I normally only watch the discussions here on the mailing list, but I have 
to ask this one question:

What sort of responsibility you, or the WMF, are willing to accept when an 
editor, in this case Daniel Brandt, who has a history of harrassment, even 
taking things off-wiki; returns to that pattern despite the community asking 
that the editor not be unblocked. I do realize that a block has never, and 
would never, prevent Mr. Brandt from taking such actions, but this is a case 
where the Founder of Wikipedia has made an administrative action to allow 
Mr. Brandt back into editing Wikipedia.

This is just the concern I have. Thank you for your time.

"Jimmy Wales" <jwales at wikia.com> wrote in 
message news:4627E024.9080604 at wikia.com...
> Info Control wrote:
>> On 4/19/07, MacGyverMagic/Mgm 
>> <macgyvermagic at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Of course he could, but he said he talked to Brandt, so he clearly knows
>>> something the rest of us don't.
>> Why would we unblock based on secret information? With this, if Brandt
>> hypothetically did something now, would only Jimbo be allowed to 
>> re-block?
> If Brandt engages in any sort of behavior which would normally get
> someone blocked, then by all means, reblock him of course.  He is under
> no special protection.
> However, and this is a personal recommendation, please do not be too
> trigger-happy, as you are likely to cause the community a lot of grief
> when we have an opportunity here to resolve this issue amicably and put
> it behind us.
> As for me, I don't believe in holding grudges and having endless fights.
>  When peace is possible, it is worth going for.
> --Jimbo
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