[WikiEN-l] Fwd: Opt Out for Not So Notable Biographies

Matthew Brown morven at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 12:26:33 UTC 2007

On 4/10/07, Jeff Raymond <jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com> wrote:
> Oldak Quill wrote:
> > I don't understand why it wouldn't be sensible to write a lengthy,
> > sourced article (ignoring gossip and such) about such an actor.
> I also don't understand why it's not sensible to write a stub-length,
> sourced article about such an actor.  We're aiming for
> comprehensiveness, right?

I am, and you are - not sure if everyone is, however.

There are plenty of topics for which what could be written on-topic
and encyclopedically makes up only a paragraph or two.  Not all short
topics would be better merged, although some make sense to.


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