[WikiEN-l] Opt Out for Not So Notable Biographies

Seth Finkelstein sethf at sethf.com
Mon Apr 9 15:32:29 UTC 2007

> Christiano Moreschi
> Is there really a single situation where our existing system of BLP 
> vigilance, emails to the Foundation, OTRS volunteers, AfDs, reliable 
> sourcing, etc has failed to deal with people wanting their bios taken 
> down/fixed with the exception of Daniel Brandt? 

	Well, if you define "deal with people" as "has anyone else
taken their unhappiness as far as has Daniel Brandt?", the answer is
"No". But I don't think that would be a useful definition.

> Beyond Daniel Brandt, do we really have a problem here that needs fixing?

	Yes (IMHO).

	My view is that I'm not going to go on a legal crusade over
my own issues with Wikipedia - that for biographies of living people,
it's an attractive nuisance and a weapon of asymmetrical warfare.
But I sure do think it's a problem that needs fixing.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  http://sethf.com/
Infothought blog - http://sethf.com/infothought/blog/
Interview: http://sethf.com/essays/major/greplaw-interview.php

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