[WikiEN-l] Re: Becoming more encyclopedia-like: 1: Encephalon's comments

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 18:07:43 UTC 2005

On 10/3/05, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
> I don't think that changing the tiger's stripes is going to make it any
> less vicious.
> What could be useful would be to leave all deletion votes open
> indefinitely.  Even if the current trend is to delete with the relevant
> threshhold being met, additional opinions could lead to an automatic
> reversal of the deletion without having to go through a whole separate
> undeletion process.  There could still be a difference in the margins to
> prevent a rapid series of deletions and undeletions.  Thus if deletion
> requires 90% support, it could be undeleted automatically if the
> deletion support falls below 80%.

So you want detetion arguments to carry on forever? You know I quite
like the way we don't have to perminatly police a GNAA AFD.

> The other recommendation that I would make is that any substantive
> change to an article after it has been nominated for deletion would
> reset the clock for the deletion timetable.  Perhaps all "votes" made
> prior to that change should be declared void, allowing those voters to
> cast a new vote.
> Ec

Person produces hoax. Listed on vfd. After 4 days they change the
hoax. Repeat untill we get fed up. Also look for arguments over the
defintion of substantive.


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