[WikiEN-l] Try out the rating scheme

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Nov 9 14:24:59 UTC 2005

> From: Bryan Derksen [mailto:bryan.derksen at shaw.ca] 

> Cyberjunkie wrote:
> >Be bold!
> >  
> >
> Well, I guess just having a vote cascade on the mailing list 
> isn't going 
> to work. Hrmph. Anyone know who specifically is "in charge" 
> of deciding 
> what Wikimedia configuration to use? Or is the problem perhaps that 
> there _isn't_ anyone specifically in charge? :)

Until now, developers simply judged consensus - usually from the mailing
list. If they hesitate to do so now, with 100 times as many contributors
as we had 2 years ago, then let's put it to a vote.

Angela, what's the proper way to vote on this?

Ed Poor

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