[WikiEN-l] Totally unscientific investigation...

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Nov 9 14:22:43 UTC 2005

> >If we mark articles as bad or stub, we could keep them 
> somewhat hidden 
> >from
> >the public.
> Ah, the insidious plausibility of the worst ideas!
> The default must be that we keep the stubs in view, unless 
> people somehow 
> opt otherwise.  How else are we going to get the encyclopedia 
> written?  I 
> thought there was anyway consensus that the content took 
> priority over all 
> else, including impressing people with excessively tidy minds.
> Charles 

Fine, make "stub-hiding" an optional feature. Users who want to conceal
stubs or other sub-standard articles can set a "user preferences" option
to do so.

And let's tell magazines that review our project to judge us by our
"good" articles, once Magnus's feature has had a chance to get going. 

Ed Poor

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