[WikiEN-l] Re: Illegitimate block.

Robert Brookes the_robert_brookes at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 29 18:08:47 UTC 2005

--- Sean Barrett <sean at epoptic.org> wrote:

> Bryan Derksen stated for the record:
> > At 06:26 PM 1/28/2005 -0800, Robert Brookes wrote:
> >> "You used the phrase "Gestapo-like" to illustrate
> >> heavy-handed admins. That was entirely
> appropiate.
> > 
> > 
> > But this is exactly what I was disagreeing with;
> the comparison of the 
> > Gestapo to heavy-handed admins is emphatically not
> appropriate. Maybe 
> > when the heavy-handed admins are rounding up
> editors and killing them en 
> > masse you might have basis for it, but right now
> it's _just a website_. 
> > If an admin goes mad with power and bans you, it
> just means you've got 
> > some spare time in your day to browse webcomics or
> whatever. Get some 
> > perspective.
> Give it up, Bryan.  It is clear that Robert is
> unable to tell the 
> difference between a slight irritation and mass
> murder.  A person who 
> cannot distinguish between the tales he has heard of
> a power-mad gang of 
> thugs deliberately set loose to terrorize a
> population and the duly 
> appointed agents of a community whom he sees
> properly enforcing widely 
> accepted and lenient laws is completely lacking the
> facility of 
> discrimination.  His heroic proclamation
> 	I have perspective. I try to live up to the promise
> 	that it must never happen again. I believe that
> 	whenever we see evidence of the beast rising out of
> 	the human breast we must stand up and be counted
> ...
> 	even if we get knocked down in the process. I am
> 	prepare to stand and be counted ... are you?
> further demonstrates his astounding lack of
> perspective -- clearly he 
> thinks he's defending nothing less than Civilization
> itself against the 
> beastly hordes he expects will be kicking down his
> door at any moment -- 
> beastly hordes of murderous Wikipedia admins.  This
> is a person who 
> needs more help than can be provided over a mailing
> list.
> Another possibility exists, of course, which also
> should be handled by 
> dropping the argument.
> == See also ==
> * [[Don't feed the trolls]]
> * [[Godwin's Law]]


Thanks for this reply. I will use it for comparitive
purposes with the AC as you see I once made a very
similar post about someone else and that is now being
cited as a personal attack by me. As your reply could
not possibly be a personal attack ... then neither
could mine, yes?


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