[WikiEN-l] Situation deadlocked, how to solve it?

zero 0000 nought_0000 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 22 01:50:16 UTC 2005

The dispute about Mitchell Bard, the number of
Palestinian refugees, and the report of the
UN Mediator (prepared 24 hours before his
assassination), is a good example of the
difficulties faced by editors who must rely on
secondary or tertiary sources of doubtful veracity.
Personally I would not mention Bard's claim
because he obviously doesn't know what he is
talking about.  For example he claims results
of a British census in 1945 when everyone
knows that the last census was in 1931.  Worse
than that, his failure to note that the date of the
Mediator's report meant that it was only a partial
count is proof of his dishonesty; no nicer way to
put it.

Nevertheless....I offer to consult the original UN
documents (if I have them; I think I do) to see if the
472,000 figure appears there and in what context.
If the number is not there, I'll refute the claim that
it is.  If it is there, I'll quote it in context.


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