[WikiEN-l] Silverback autoblock needs to be manually removed, it should have expired 6 minutes ago

AndyL andyl2004 at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 2 23:01:55 UTC 2005

on 1/2/05 5:59 PM, actionforum at comcast.net at actionforum at comcast.net wrote:

>> -------------- Original message --------------
>> Unblocked. I'm sure you'll play nicely with the other kids now, won't you?
>> - d. 
> You know, allowing injustice and abuse to stand is not good policy.  We should
> expand the number of admins, until we get some with gumption.   As Barry
> Goldwater once stated: "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And
> moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

And yet he voted against the Civil Rights Act. Go figure?


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