[WikiEN-l] I better shut up (was vfd RFC)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Aug 3 18:40:46 UTC 2005

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I got blocked by Kim Bruning - until 21:08 today, a very specific time.

No good deed goes unpunished: I had just finished apologizing for the VFD deletion, and was just beginning to make some progress with Uninvited Company when I got the shock of my young (Wikipedian) life.

Well, at least now I can say I know how it feels to be blocked (and without warning, to boot).

I guess this is a bigger deal than I thought. Not that I really understand it all, I'm too simple and naïve. I guess I fit the liberal stereotype of Christians being "ignorant and easily-led", because I'm going to do just what I was told to do, i.e., shut up until the block expires.

Your obed't servant,

Ed Poor

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