[WikiEN-l] Re: April Fool's Day

Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 1 20:33:52 UTC 2005

--- Charles Matthews <charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com>
> Anthere wrote
> > And I would dare to say : is the over reaction a
> sign that the current 
> > project has become too "restricting" in editors
> freedom that they feel 
> > they need to get so wild the one day this is
> permitted ?
> Yep.  Most days of the year WP is in serious mode. 
> And it works - we are 
> now in the top 100 websites at Alexa, overtaking Ask
> Jeeves last time I 
> looked.  We need a 'festival'.
> Charles 

And how do we clean up all of the leftover hoaxes?  Or
do we just say, "Oh, well, that was created on April
1, we'll just live with it."?


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