[WikiEN-l] About the reliability of the Wikipedia process and content

Mark Richards marich712000 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 16 23:58:59 UTC 2004

What makes you think either that the current system is
creating mediocrity, or that the proposed review board
would be better? It seems that what is being proposed
is removing the value added of an open content
encyclopedia, and would be damaging for that reason.

--- Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- Mark Richards <marich712000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I very much hope this does not happen. Setting up
> > 'expert reviews' would be the death of the
> project.
> But the goal of the project is to create the largest
> free resource of knowledge
> that has ever existed. Wiki is a means to that end.
> So if some aspects of that
> process start to result in a drive toward mediocre
> content, then we *must* make
> some changes to put us back on track. 
> Adding some type of article review system that could
> scale to cover a large
> part of our content would be a massive improvement.
> Experts should have seats
> on those review boards, but so should non-experts.
> Neither the views of experts
> or non-experts would carry more weight - both would
> be equal (the consensus
> view of the board itself is what would count). 
> -- mav
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