[WikiEN-l] About the reliability of the Wikipedia process and content

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 16 23:24:10 UTC 2004

--- Mark Richards <marich712000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I very much hope this does not happen. Setting up
> 'expert reviews' would be the death of the project.

But the goal of the project is to create the largest free resource of knowledge
that has ever existed. Wiki is a means to that end. So if some aspects of that
process start to result in a drive toward mediocre content, then we *must* make
some changes to put us back on track. 

Adding some type of article review system that could scale to cover a large
part of our content would be a massive improvement. Experts should have seats
on those review boards, but so should non-experts. Neither the views of experts
or non-experts would carry more weight - both would be equal (the consensus
view of the board itself is what would count). 

-- mav

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