[WikiEN-l] election fraud article

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 11 02:34:14 UTC 2004

--- Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> That said, I find the fact that people keep adding 
> [[en:2004_U.S._Election_controversies_and_irregularities]] to the main 
> page odd.  It's a poorly-written article that mostly cites amateurish 
> statistical correlations (with lots of graphs) and draws unwarranted 
> causations from them, and generally reads like it was written by the 
> tinfoil-hat crowd.  Furthermore, this issue isn't really "in the news" 
> by any stretch of the imagination, and even on left-leaning sites such 
> as dailykos.com, it's controversial and not agreed upon.  In short, this 
> article presents a viewpoint that:
> 1) Shouldn't be on the front page, based on newsworthiness and 
> neutrality; and
> 2) Is controversial *even* by the standards of a left-wing community 
> that agrees John Kerry would make a much better president than George W. 
> Bush.
> As such, it would be nice if someone would remove it from the front 
> page.  I've already reverted three times today, so will not do so again, 
> but I feel it makes us look like we're both amateurish and biased.
> -Mark

I agree completely - and also voted for Kerry. As of right now, it isn't on the
Main Page. 

-- mav

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