[WikiEN-l] election fraud article

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Thu Nov 11 02:16:13 UTC 2004

Personal political views disclaimer: I voted for John Kerry, and am of 
the mind that the possibility of voter fraud in the just-completed 
election cannot be altogether discounted.


That said, I find the fact that people keep adding 
[[en:2004_U.S._Election_controversies_and_irregularities]] to the main 
page odd.  It's a poorly-written article that mostly cites amateurish 
statistical correlations (with lots of graphs) and draws unwarranted 
causations from them, and generally reads like it was written by the 
tinfoil-hat crowd.  Furthermore, this issue isn't really "in the news" 
by any stretch of the imagination, and even on left-leaning sites such 
as dailykos.com, it's controversial and not agreed upon.  In short, this 
article presents a viewpoint that:
1) Shouldn't be on the front page, based on newsworthiness and 
neutrality; and
2) Is controversial *even* by the standards of a left-wing community 
that agrees John Kerry would make a much better president than George W. 

As such, it would be nice if someone would remove it from the front 
page.  I've already reverted three times today, so will not do so again, 
but I feel it makes us look like we're both amateurish and biased.


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