[WikiEN-l] Re: Top-posting

Tim Starling t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Sat Nov 6 02:40:08 UTC 2004

Daniel P.B.Smith wrote:
> I've been on USENET since 1989, and nobody ever fussed about top-posting 
> until the very late 1990s. People did whatever they chose. (People did 
> fuss about not trimming down quoted material from previous posts, 
> because bandwidth really was an issue). In the late 1990s someone 
> invented some nonexistent netiquette rule about top-posting, and people 
> wanting to feel like members of an ingroup began to lambaste newbies 
> about it.

It just annoyed me because I had to scroll down to find out what he was 
talking about. Start reading, get confused, scroll down, cotton on, 
scroll up. Lots of people on usenet top-post and I wish they wouldn't.

-- Tim Starling

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